We are thanking you for submitting your paper/abstract. This call for contributions has now been closed.
“Improving The Economic Sector Through Sea Routes”
Dear Professional,
You are invited to submit a paper for Indonesia Maritime Forum 2023. speakers and presentations are a regular feature at this event. presentations must offer an insight into new strategy, innovations, sustainable developments, or be base on an application story working within one or more of the session categories proposed for discussion below :
Indonesia Maritim Forum 2023 topic Highlight :
- Current and Future Maritime Transport Projects
- Sustainability and the Future of Shipping
- New Technologies for Better Efficiency
- Commercial Ship Technology
- Digital Transformation for Maritim Industry
- Green Maritim Technology
- Maritime Environment Safety & Protection
- Standardising Port Operations
- Port Security and Management System
- Port infrastructure
- Sea Transportation & Navigation Systems
- Smart Shipping and Smart Port
- Energy Transition in Maritime Sector
- Ship Owners’ / Ship Operators’ Needs
- Standard for Maritime Energy Efficiency
- Maritime Tourism
Please send your paper to Ms. Mayra Sugandi ( mayra@gemisen-group.com)
The paper should include the title of your presentation and a brief outline of the topic, together with your name, professional affiliation, and email address. In addition, please include a short professional biography (of no more than 100 words).